Innovaciones de Hempire | Blog del dispensario Delta

Jared Drake
What is THCP? Unveiling Its Properties and Legal Status

¿Qué es THCP? Revelando sus propiedades y estatus legal - THCP Properties

Hey there! So, you know how cannabis research keeps surprising us with new and exciting stuff? Well, here's something that's been making waves lately: tetrahydrocannabiphorol, or THCP for short. It's a cannabinoid found in small amounts in the Cannabis Sativa plant, and it's got scientists and folks like you and me pretty intrigued. In this blog, I'm gonna break down what THCP is all about, the research behind it, and what the deal is with its legal status. Let's dive in!

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Jared Drake
Navigating Greening Out. AKA Cannabis Overindulgence: 10 Essential Strategies

Navegando Greening Out. AKA Cannabis Overindulgence: 10 estrategias esenciales

¿Qué es Greening Out? En el consumo de cannabis, ocasionalmente se puede producir un fenómeno conocido como ' greening out '; se define como un consumo excesivo de cannabis que provoca efectos desagradables como náuseas, mareos y una sensación general de malestar. Puede volverse verde al consumir demasiada marihuana, cáñamo, Delta 8 , Delta 9 , HHC, THC-P , CBC e incluso demasiado CBD. ¿ Cuáles son algunas de las causas comunes del consumo excesivo de cannabis? Medir incorrectamente su tolerancia Consumir más de su dosis típica Combinar cannabis con otras sustancias Deshidratación y falta de alimentación La privación del...

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Jared Drake
The Power of THCA Flower: Wellness and Legality Combined

El poder de la flor THCA: bienestar y legalidad combinados

THCA flower is a legal form of cannabis in certain states in the United States. This is because it contains a majority of unregulated THC-A, making it compliant with federal law. Unlike other cannabis products, THCA flower is derived from hemp plants that have been precisely grown to meet the federal definition of hemp while keeping a high THC-A content.

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Jared Drake
Delta TBC: The Fin and Easy Guide to a Happier high

Delta THC: la guía fácil y divertida para una euforia feliz

Cannabis has been a hot topic for years, and it's not just about a euphoric experience anymore. The cannabis world contains fascinating compounds, with Delta THC among the most exciting newcomers. In this fun and easy guide, we'll explore everything good about Delta THC, from its history and types to its legality and various forms.

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